Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Reality Check

That venerable organ of the Slave Media, the Washington Post, has revealed something that has been spread around by foreign news outlets, some American newspapers, and the blogosphere for about two years now:

The CIA has secret prisons in Eastern Europe.

Well, no shit, Sherlock. You see, the Bush Administration wants to torture people for information, but can't do it because of a pesky thing called The Law. So, they have a procedure (imaginatively called 'extraordinary rendition,' which makes it sound like an over-the-top performance of Springtime for Hitler) where unmarked planes will pick up a detainee and ship them to a place where torture is allowed - places like, say, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Bulgaria, Uzbekistan, etc., and let them get squeezed for information in those places.

As I say, this has been reported upon by new outlets outside of the United States (like the BBC), but until the Post said something it was basically pooh-poohed as rumors. Well, it's probably not a rumor, since I won't put anything past this secretive, criminal, so-not-Republican government.

They have made the American people complicit in war crimes, and now have made us complicit for crimes against humanity. All we need now are a few massacres and we'll have the full Nuremberg docket - oh wait. Yeah, all those dead Iraqis.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dude post that on Steves Blog and see how fast he bannes the post cause he is racist!

2:52 PM EST  
Blogger Walt said...


You were way off topic there. And I have a news flash for you - there are black racists just as there are white racists, brown racists, yellow racists, etc. No matter what color you dress it up in, it's still bona-fide, Grade A, pure bullshit.

3:48 PM EST  

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