Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Closing the Barn Door

The Senate will soon take up a bill that will make President Bush's illegal wiretapping legal. Now, as if this weren't outrageous enough, it also runs smack into a little bit of the US Constitution. Specifically Article I, Section 9, which prohibits the establishment of an ex post facto law.

Ex post facto means "after the fact," and fits this sorry episode of our nation's legal history quite appropriately. The idea that the President of the United States can break the laws and the Senate will then turn around and retroactively make his transgression legal boggles the mind.

But what do you expect from a gang of criminals, greedheads and outright slaves that regularly use the Constitution as blotter paper for the blood that oozes from their ravaged anuses?

Welcome to Stalin's America.


Blogger Liz Blondsense said...

"gang of criminals, greedheads and outright slaves that regularly use the Constitution as blotter paper for the blood that oozes from their ravaged anuses?"

Well described, wandering walt.

Do we all have a plan for when they shut down the innernets and the free press?

4:19 PM EST  
Blogger Walt said...

Go underground and blog from Denmark, maybe?

One of my books posits a nightmarish "American Union" run by a cabal of right-wing generals, where drug possession is punishable by death and Moral Security police hunt down threats to the State and society (like gays). Canada is still free, and its TV newscasts begin with "...the voice of a free North America..."

I have always hoped that my vision of a possible future would be a delusion.

7:54 PM EST  

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