Saturday, March 04, 2006

Patience, Patience ...

"Be still, my soul; thou hast endured worse than this." - Homer, The Odyssey

"Be patient; Allah does not deny the reward of the righteous." - The Koran, Hud, Surah 11:115

Which is true, when you get right down to it.

Of course, it really hasn't been quite this bad before. A Kentucky legislator and his Sunday School class are circulating a petition to determine which of his fellow members are Christians. Needless to say this has the non-Protestants and non-Christians very uneasy, especially if someone starts gauging a candidate's electability based on their religion (which is still unconstitutional).

British Prime Minister Tony Blair's assertion that only God can judge his decision to invade Iraq is actually unworthy of him, his forebears in Number Ten, and God. Blair went into Iraq mainly as a quid pro quo, agreeing to Dubya's grand Mesopotamian Adventure on the condition that the US stomp hell out of Afghanistan and al-Qaeda (who were, after all, responsible for 9/11).

But I must remain patient, and trust in the fact that these assholes will overreach themselves and their entire shabby house will collapse in on itself.

But you'll notice I'm not holding my breath.


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