Monday, June 26, 2006


It seems the Bush Administration (also known as the Bush Crime Family) has a problem. Every time they come up with another marvelously clandestine idea to rape our civil liberties and take away our privacy, someone lets the press know about it.

And not Fox News, either - I'm talking some of the few remaining outlets that are NOT complete propaganda tools of the Junta.

First it was the NSA wiretapping, and now it's the monitoring of all international banking transactions. The New York Times broke that story, prompting Rep. Peter King (R-Rich Motherfuckers) to call for the prosecution of the paper for treason. Heard it, Pete, and don't hold your breath, you stupid excuse for a waste of natural resources.

Of course, lumped into the supercategory of wastes of resources we will place Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Drooling Sycophants), who has deigned to speak out against the ILLEGAL wiretapping of American citizens by cleverly offering to change the FISA law so that Bush and General Bunsen Honeydew can listen in on YOUR phone calls without any fear of being called down on it. I'm glad I don't live in Pennsylvania, if Specter and Rick Santorum (R-Religious Weirdos) are the senators there.


In other news of the Weird, Bush and his puppetmasters have been harping on the fact that the Democrats' ideas of troop reductions/redeployments in Iraq amount to a "cut and run" strategy that will only embolden those spooky ol' terrorists. Bush also refuses to set anything that looks like a firm date for anything, even refusing to discuss what an eventual "victory" in Iraq MIGHT look like.

Well, apparently Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and US General Casey didn't get the memo. Al-Maliki called for US troop withdrawals, while Casey actually set a timeline for the withdrawal of two combat brigades from Iraq starting later this year.

So now the Bushies are downplaying Casey's and al-Maliki's pronouncements, while the Dems cry out that Bush is being a hypocrite and is just using the war as a political ploy to get the GOP firmly back into the saddle until the 2008 general election.

Or maybe longer, if a suitable National Emergency can be concocted that will enable Bush to suspend the Constitution, kill off or restrict the Congress to Republicans only, and proclaim himself Fuehrer.


Blogger pissed off patricia said...

I think you last paragraph already happened.

10:03 AM EDT  
Blogger pissed off patricia said...

If you would kindly place an "r" after "you" in my previous comment so that it reads "your last", we're all set. :)

6:54 AM EDT  

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