Monday, October 06, 2008


Once again, owing to an imbalance in my humors, I am going on vacation. This year I am taking a mode of transportation I have not taken before to visit a place I last set foot on thirty-five years ago.

In short, I'm taking a train to Manhattan Island.

I have a packed itinerary ahead of me, to include museums and famous landmarks. Yes, I will visit the World Trade Center site (I refuse to call it Ground Zero - that is reserved for the hypocenter of a nuclear explosion, and describes the site in the New Mexico desert where we set off the first implosion weapon on 29 July 1945). In addition, I plan on observing Mass at Saint Patrick's Cathedral and taking in a Broadway show.

That's Phase One.

Phase Two returns me to the same resort on the Gulf of Mexico I visited last year, to hear the waves lap at the sand and to have my whims catered to.

The few days off leading up to these jaunts have been taken up with yard work as I have indulged my passion for imposing my will upon plants and small animals. After that, I should be back at work by United Nations Day.

I am planning on doing what I did two years ago, and blog a bit about each day, as well as taking lots of pictures.


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