Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Couple of Suggestions

The heads of the Big Three automakers (Ford, General Motors and Chrysler) flew down to Washington DC, each in their very own corporate jet, to beg the Congress and whine and plead for $25 billion or so in bailout money or ... well, you probably know the threat implicit in the word "or."

Or the Big Three might all go under, taking millions of American jobs with it and completely destroying our economy and people will be fighting over scraps of food and driving around in spike-festooned cars emulating the worst parts of the Mad Max movies.

Or maybe not.

At any rate the Congress told them to go piss up a shellacked rope, so the heads of the Big Three disconsolately trooped back to Detroit. You see, the Big Three (GM the worst of the lot) figured that if they sold more cars than anybody else, they'd always be successful. Little things like quality, fuel efficiency and environmental concerns could go whistle. That's come back to bite them in the ass, and the dinosaurs are now trying to find a way to avoid extinction.

The Right-wing has unveiled their take on this and that take is it's all the union's fault, and nevermind the fact that the company's rapacious capitalism would have just ground the workers into the concrete if the union hadn't been there to argue for greater benefits and a good pension.

And now Mitt Romney showed up on MSNBC with an idea, and I am forced to admit it's not a bad one.

Let the Big Three follow UAL's lead and file for bankruptcy protections, then work with the unions and federal regulators to come up with workable solutions.

Further, some blowhard named Cramer on CNBC suggested that President-elect Obama put together his economic team now, including the new Treasury Secretary and basically tell Hank Paulson and George Bush to lay off the economy - the adults will handle things now. Cramer thinks that doing that would inspire some confidence globally and stabilize the markets.

But of course that won't happen.

My two cents?

Adopt the Romney and Cramer ideas, then take Paulson and Bernanke and have them publicly whipped, castrated, and blinded. And have the bosses of AIG publicly skinned alive.

Just a thought.


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