Monday, October 11, 2010

Nietzsche Would Have Loved Limbaugh

A couple days ago, the globulous fraud Rush Limbaugh, the homophobe who had Elton John sing at his wedding (I expect a divorce within a year), slobbered the following into his microphone (hat tip to John Amato at Crooks and Liars, where he listens to Rush so you don't have to):

"... some people are born lazy. Some people are born victims. Some people are just born to be slaves. Some people are born to put up with somebody else making every decision for them."

Okay. This is, by the way, what Rush truly believes. He's not an entertainer or rodeo clown like Beck, he's not a fame-whore like Coulter, and he's never held a political post like Dead Fetus (p)Rick Santorum. He's sincere in his beliefs, and makes no bones about what he spews out onto the airwaves he's abused since the early days of Clinton.

Now, while Rush was vomiting on his mike, another story surfaced, about Christian missionaries who espouse a somewhat different view of Christ's message. These are Christian warriors, who aren't afraid to break boards or bricks or (dare I say it? Dare, dare!) heads in the Name-o-Jeezus. No more "love thy neighbor" claptrap, no more "turn the other cheek" bullshit. Beat your enemies to death in the name of the God of Love.

We've seen this before, and that caused me furiously to think.

And Freddy Nietzsche popped up and said "Hi."

You see, Nietzsche espoused what he called a Master Morality, a kind of take-no-prisoners, hardheaded approach.
Master Morality, according to Freddy, values pride, strength, and nobility. Of course, there's also the inverse of the Master Morality, the Slave Morality - which values things like kindness, humility and sympathy.

Nietzsche believed, as I'm sure Rush does (though he may only realize it subconsciously), that Christianity is Slave Morality, and the concentration of Christianity on the "feminine" values of humility, kindness, charity and love for one's fellow man had actually served to hold Humanity back, depriving people of the morality that their wills yearn to embrace in order to advance.

Not content to stick to his bed (from which he eventually went mad and died), Freddy took aim at the rising tide of democracy in his era, claiming that it was slavish and weak. He saw Christianity and Democracy as essentially emasculating humanity by making everyone equal - in this case, equally slaves.

Interestingly enough, a cult grew up in A Certain Nation in central Europe called "Positive Christianity." It proposed to make Christianity Nietzschean by purging it of the slavish influences (and surprisingly, Positive Christian doctrine said that these influences were Jewish, imagine that) that had "corrupted" it since the year 800 AD. And, equally interestingly, this sect used the Sun Cross as a symbol.

Now, where have we seen that before?

Oh, yeah ...



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