Monday, June 06, 2005

Bush Baby

My state, like many others, has a trouble with 'failing' schools. These are schools that, try as they might, just can't seem to get the kids to learn a damn thing so that they can go on to become productive members of the community and make informed decisions.

But not to worry. Several years back, our Governor (and not coincidentally the President's brother) Jebediah Bush offered an idea. It's called an "Opportunity Scholarship," which sounds really neat taken at face value. Apart from it being classic Orwellian Newspeak.

Basically it's a voucher program, where you can pull your kid out of a 'failing' school and either move to another public school or receive a voucher to help pay your kid's way into a private or parochial school (and there are quite a few parochial private schools in Florida). But there's two minor hitches in this idea.

One, taking money away from a 'failing' school just makes its pattern of failure continue. Without funds for teachers, materials and equipment, the school will eventually languish.

Second, it's unconstitutional.

Florida's Constitution states very clearly that state funds will not be applied either directly or indirectly to a sectarian purpose. Jebbie (a good Catholic - I saw him looking dazed and confused at the Pope's funeral) was just following in his Big Bro's footsteps, trying to do his part to bolster the religious community in his state. So he can perhaps be forgiven.

Nahhh ....

Naturally Jeb deployed the Lawyers, and the state Supreme Court (widely regarded as the most liberal in the South) will start hearing the case this week. I expect Jeb to get a bloody nose from this, and appeal to the US Supreme Court.

Based on the State and US Constitutions, and some of the case law, I don't think Jebbie stands a chance. It's been a bummer of a year so far for him - first he pissed off the Far Right "Culture of Life" crowd with Terri Schiavo (I watched to see if he'd actually have the balls to violate his oath of office and risk arrest), and now this. The posturing and backstabbing to choose his successor has already begun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am onastly a bush baby i mate with u

5:27 AM EDT  

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