Wednesday, June 08, 2005

A Letter

I received the following email from Rep. Adam Putnam's office, in reply to a letter I sent him earlier this week:

"Dear Mr. Reimer:
Thank you for your recent correspondence in opposition to American military intervention in Iraq. I appreciate hearing from you.
(Yeah, I'll bet.)
As you are aware, since 9/11, America has been a nation at war. Iraq has emerged as the central front in the war on terror. If we fail to establish a safe and secure Iraq, then we leave the region to become an incubator for terrorists. Now that Saddam’s reign has ended, we cannot abandon our goal of moving Iraq toward a self-government that could help bring peace and stability to one of the world’s most volatile region.
(Of course, it only emerged as the 'central front' AFTER we invaded and turned the place into a terrorist recruiting poster.)
Our enemies are closely monitoring our actions in Iraq. They are hopeful that we will waiver; that we will cut and run. They would most certainly seize on such an opportunity, and the safety and well-being of our troops should not be the rope in a political tug-of-war. We must finish the job we started to ensure that the terrorists of the world cannot attack our nation or its people again. This is a generational war that will be fought for years to come, and I believe that it is imperative that we stay the course.
(Does anyone feel a draft?)
The overwhelming response to the recent democratic elections in Iraq, where millions of Iraqis risked their lives to cast their ballots, is an encouraging sign. Even initial critics of our military action have conceded that President Bush's policy is resulting in the spread of democracy in a land where many had known only oppression. Now that democracy has taken its first tentative steps in this volatile region, we must ensure that it is allowed to grow.
(The current prediction I have is that the present governmental framework will collapse from the flaws built into it by the US, and another strongman despot will take over.)
While we obviously disagree on this issue, I thank you for taking the time to share your views. If you are experiencing difficulties with a federal agency, are interested in legislation that is pending before Congress or merely wish to express your opinions, please visit my website at
(Rest assured, I will.)
May God continue to bless America.
Adam Putnam
Member of Congress


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