Saturday, March 11, 2006

Cuteness Wars!

Or, Beware of the Cute Things.

Have some insulin handy.

Earlier this year, people were going all dewy-eyed over the baby panda cub Tai Shan at the National Zoo in Washington. Not to be outdone by the furor raised by the six-month-old cub's antics, video has been released from China showing no less than sixteen panda cubs, ranging in age from 6 to 11 months cavorting in the snow. The video has been shown on a number of news outlets, including CNN.

I will wait for the obligatory "Awww..." if you've seen it.

Now a zoo in the Netherlands has released video of the first polar bear triplets ever born in captivity. On a cuteness scale, I'll give the pandas higher marks than the polar bears.


Blogger pissed off patricia said...

I saw some of the panda video yesterday and I gotta tell you that was the height of cute for me. When that one little guy slides down the slide only to go plop in the snow it's just absolutely wonderful. Anyone who can watch those little bears and not smile must be dead.

2:11 PM EST  

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