Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday!

Watch it!

There's still a few crosses left!


Blogger Walt said...

Many thanks to Patricia for showing me how to post pictures! I guess I got carried away with it, though. ;-)

8:39 AM EDT  
Blogger pissed off patricia said...

Whoopee, I came over here to see if you might have posted a pic and sure enough you did. Woo Woo, good for you!

I won't even mention how bummy it makes me feel to see the bunny like that. Poor little bunny would look and feel so much better sitting in somebody's Happy Easter Basket. When you take him off the cross please put him in a cave for a couple of days and he'll be good as new. Be careful when you go back and open the door to the cave, I think he'll be able to float up into the air by then.

10:28 AM EDT  
Blogger eProf2 said...

PoP and Walt. Thanks for the instructions on posting photos. I've been wondering about how to do that. Now, I can experiment, too. Thanks.

10:35 AM EDT  
Blogger Walt said...

Pat, LOL.

I never thought of that, actually. I had originally meant it as a metaphor (with the added shock value), but I'll get a few more bunnies and pose them in a lepine Pieta.

10:56 AM EDT  
Blogger Liz Blondsense said...

Walt you are a man after my own heart. My son and I began crucifying Easter bunnies a couple of years ago and scattering eggs around. We have also crucified Peeps on chocolate crosses. Another socio-political statement.

4:02 PM EDT  

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