Friday, June 30, 2006

Watching ...

1. The shit hit the fan, and spray all over George Bush.

Yes, indeed. The Supreme Court, by a 5-4 margin (Chief Justice Roberts recused himself, but he would have sided with the minority anyway) decided to slap Dear Leader across the ass and say, "What part of 'Rule of Law' do you NOT understand?" The decision - all 185 pages of it - basically said that:

yes, the Geneva Conventions DO apply to the people we're holding down in Gitmo,

and NO, the President does not have the authority of a Roman dictator - he still has to work with the Congress and the courts, not merely go his own authoritarian 'unitary' way.

Ought to be interesting to see how his masters play this one.

2. Religious fundamentalists' heads explode.

Oooh, yeah. The FDA finally did something gutsy, approving and recommending the HPV vaccine Gardasil be given to girls 11 years of age and up. You see, Gardasil blocks the human pappiloma virus, which causes genital warts and can also cause cervical cancer.

The reason that the fundies' heads will start exploding is that while they are certain that the vaccine will encourage promiscuity, they also don't want to be labeled as people who want their own children to die of cancer (because studies show that abstinence education is worthless as a form of sexual control).

Another neat way of watching fundies' heads explode is to have them realize that Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are joining philanthropic forces. Buffet championed the RU486 birth control pill, and we all know how the fundies HATE anything that gives women the tiniest bit of control over their reproductive destinies.

So sit back and watch the fireworks this Glorious Fourth.


Blogger pissed off patricia said...

I would like to see the logic that leads from a shot to prevent cancer to a girl sleeping with a guy. What? Getting a shot for measels didn't work that way did it? NO

Don't count the chimp in chief out just yet. He may issue a signing statement regarding the conventions. I wish that was totally a joke.

8:53 AM EDT  
Blogger pissed off patricia said...

Oh, just noticed the successful link dealie you did. Woo Woo for you!
If we get pulled over again can I say to the cop that I helped you post pics and links? Do you think he would be so impressed by my nice-ness that he would let me go free? LOL

8:57 AM EDT  
Blogger Walt said...


It's the same logic that leads from gay marriage to bestiality - a perverse and twisted kind of logic that surfaces from the darkest parts of the mind of the person who spews it.

::LOL:: Um, if you drop my name, he might just arrest you. :-)

1:52 PM EDT  
Blogger pissed off patricia said...

Suskind's book "The One percent doctrine", is a must read. I started it yesterday and was half way through it before I knew it.

7:06 AM EDT  

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