Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Don Rumsfeld

I really can't think of an epithet vitriolic enough.

Thanks to the BBC, Don "The Jowl" Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense in George Bush's Criminal Gang, has been given the opportunity to concede that Iraq's security situation is not statistically better than it was when the Saddam Hussein regime fell in 2003 (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4090626.stm). Further, Rummy added that ""I think the US is notably unskilful in our communications and our public diplomacy (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4092572.stm)."

"Notably unskilful?" Now that's the understatement of the year, and I think we should be grateful that enough light has penetrated Donald Rumsfeld's supernally thick skull that he can actually say something like that.

Of course, he also hastened to modify his statements, adding that only the Iraqi people are capable of defeating the insurgency (begging the logical conclusion that we're incapable), and that It's All The Media's Fault that our reputation in the world is starting to smell like a combination of soiled cloth baby diapers and raw tuna left out in the sun for two weeks.

Quoth the Rumsfeld, "The people in Gitmo... 99% have the best food probably, the best medical treatment, they've ever received in their lives." How nice! Guantanamo Bay really looks like a lovely place for summer vacation now. Best food, best medical care - I suppose that offsets the spartan living conditions and the occasional torture.

Then Der Rumsfeld shifted smoothly into Russia-Bash mode (his favorite, right behind China-bashing). His screed now was that Russia's arms deals with Venezuela were "damaging its business reputation."

Maybe so. But you might think that the United States, the largest arms salesman On The Planet, would welcome a little bit of competition, all in the interest of good clean capitalism.

Maybe not.


Blogger Aikäne said...

Has Rummy ever answered his own question, "Are we creating more terrorists than we're killing?"

And another question that the bushistas evade is, "How many terrorists were in Iraq BEFORE we invaded?"

They've resorted now to the claim that Saddam himself was a WMD, so we had to invade Iraq -- to kill the terrorists THERE so we wouldn't have to fight them HERE. Evidently, our invasion of Iraq and killing all those thousands of innocent people in the process, can now be considered "baiting the trap." As the idiot-in-chief crowed, "Bring'em on!"

Some justification for all that's transpired over the past three years.

11:32 AM EDT  

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