Friday, December 16, 2005

That Screech You Hear ...

Is the wheels coming off the Bush Administration.

Truth to tell, the wheels have been coming off for a year now, ever since the Dear Leader was re-elected by a 2% margin that he termed a "Mandate." And he was proud of that sucker, too, and he called it "Political Capital," and he was going to spend it.

That was before.

Before Terri Schiavo.

Before the Social Security Debacle, in which the Democrats showed that they were not so spineless as some believed.

Before Katrina, Rita and Wilma pointed out the fallacy of reducing government to the point that (to paraphrase the Great Right Wing Guru, Grover 'Pinhead' Norquist) "you can drown it in a bathtub."

Before the Iraq War cost us over 2,100 American lives.

And now the President can't even get his own Party to back him (as it previously did, to the hilt) on torturing people for information and spying on American citizens. Yes, it's true. The Senate built up a veto-proof wall that forced the Dear Leader (Yes, the Anointed of God and Enforcer of the Pax Americana) to accept a ban on torture. And now we hear that the Senate has failed to block a filibuster that was the only obstacle to a further assault on our freedom.

So sit back and listen to the screeching, as the last wheel tears loose from its hub and the Mighty Bush Juggernaut piles into the wall.


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