Friday, October 27, 2006

"Back off?" Fuck You.

An open missive to the "Honorable" Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense:


Your admonition for critics of the Iraq War to "back off" merely served to reinforce my opinion of you as an egregiously stupid man.

"Back off?" I and several million other Americans pay your salary, you asshole. If we demand an accounting, then by all that's holy you'd better start ponying up straight answers. And by straight answers I don't mean the waffling, obfuscating dancing you did at your most recent press conference.

Your conduct of this war has been a disgrace to the United States, and to the Air Force (I recall that you once served in that branch). Of course, I have known several Air Force veterans, and found them to be almost to a man opinionated, rigid, close-minded assholes.

So, "back off?"


Fuck you.

Very sincerely, ...


Blogger pissed off patricia said...

Excellent letter/post!

This Yosemite Sam approach toward reporters and critics doesn't cut it with me either. The bastard should be bitch slapped until he's blue and then he should be tossed in prison.

Putting on her kinder hat she says, have a great weekend.

Oh, and one more thing, were you involved in the "jelly belly" deal I heard about on the news today?

8:14 AM EDT  
Blogger Walt said...

No, I'm not in that agency (thank goodness, as I do have a weight problem).

Thanks for the compliment on the post. I suffered through that news conference (felt like my head was being pushed through oatmeal).

8:40 AM EDT  

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