Thursday, October 05, 2006

Frightening the Neighbors

Ever known the Creep? The guy (or family) that hangs out in "that" house down the street where the lawn's strewn with auto parts and broken toys, where the dog looks like a mangy refugee from a Stephen King novel? And occasionally you hear things coming from the house that make you walk past it just as fast as you can, with your eyes averted while you wish that you'd taken your friend's advice and bought that gun?

That's North Korea, folks - or, more formally, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). And now the Creepy Country over there is starting to make "those" noises.

Like the sound of a nuclear weapon being built.

Now, according to this, the United States will not tolerate the DPRK having The Bomb, even if it means turning the country into a radioactive hole in the ground (which would have the benefit of pissing off Russia, China, South Korea and Japan - a benefit, by the way, only Bush would interpret as a plus).

But you realize that's all we can do now, at this point. We've already put sanctions on them, and conventional warfare (carpet bombing by B-52s) would have little effect since the DPRK's facilities are all underground. Also one must consider the KPA, or Korean People's Army, which makes up in numbers what it lacks in firepower. Even the commander of the US troops in South Korea concedes that if the KPA comes over the border his 30,000 troops won't do much to slow it down.

As to the nuclear option, China and the other states in the area would definitely look on the US polishing its atomic knob all over the DPRK as a very unfriendly act. Likewise, allowing the DPRK to have The Bomb would destabilize the region.

Japan would want the bomb to deter the DPRK.

China and Russia would object to Japan having the weapon.

South Korea would want the bomb, just to avoid being caught in the middle.

Thank you, George W Bush.

George Bush's enlightened foreign policy reminds me of masturbation - a whole lot of vigorous effort for almost no result.


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