Friday, February 02, 2007

Groundhog Day

There once was a movie called Groundhog Day, where Bill Murrays' character had to relive the same day over and over again in some of weird Twilight Zone-inspired autorewind.

Welcome to the real Groundhog Day, where a large rodent is supposed to predict our weather for the next six months by getting scared of his shadow or some such.

Which leads me (in a very roundabout, lateral-thinking way) to fear.

"Fear is the mind-killer," Frank Herbert famously wrote, and it's the truth - fear can make ordinarily sensible people do stupid things. Like shutting down half of Boston while the cops deal with an invasion of Mooninites (actually little lighted signs showing Ignignokt giving people the finger). By the way, The Rude Pundit put the cherry on top of that little funfest by saying, "Somewhere, Orson Welles is giggling his fat ass off."

My sentiments exactly, since I recall reading and hearing about the horrific Fear that came down on the eastern seaboard of the US when Welles and his Mercury Theater of the Air broadcast an adaptation of The War of the Worlds on October 31, 1938. Although he fessed up to it as a Halloween prank, several people did commit suicide as I recall in fear that the Martians had indeed landed.

Let's hope that when the aliens DO arrive, they're every bit as lame as Ignignokt and Err.


Blogger pissed off patricia said...

No alien in his right mind would want to come to the planet of the idiots. I imagine if aliens are watching us and what we're doing, they probably think us evil or insane.

The Boston thing would be funny as hell if it wasn't true. We are fighting the "war on terror" and it includes toys? Jeez! We've become the United States of Panty Wetters.

9:39 AM EST  

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