Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Today's Butcher's Bill

From CNN:

"Attacks Tuesday in the oil-rich northern city of Kirkuk and in the Sunni Muslim heartland killed at least 24 people and wounded scores more in Iraq, authorities said."

"The U.S. military announced Tuesday the deaths of three American soldiers within the past two days."

"In the Iraqi city of Ramadi on Tuesday, coalition forces [in other words, US forces] shot five civilians to death and wounded four others while they traveled in a station wagon at a "high rate of speed" toward a checkpoint, the U.S. military said in a statement."


From al-Jazeera:

"Abd al-Rahman [Kirkuk police chief] said: "Security is tight in Kirkuk city and in its suburbs," but he said he thought "terrorists" were still managing to target civilians. "It is very obvious that they are killing a big number of civilians. This proves the terrorists' failure to reach police and army forces in Iraq," he said."

However ...

"Two policemen and four civilians, including two children below the age of 10, were killed and four civilians were wounded when the car exploded as a police patrol passed by," another police officer [in Kanaan] added."


Approximately 1704 Americans dead in Iraq (depending on who you talk to).

Approximately 20,000 - 100,000 Iraqis dead (depending on who you talk to).

How long, O Lord? How long?


Blogger Aikäne said...

Yep, and according to bush logic, the increasing death toll is a sure sign of our imminent victory -- again -- same as last month, the month before, the month before that.... But Saddam sure is an evil man... and Osama sure is "dead or alive."

10:40 AM EDT  
Blogger Walt said...

Sure! The insurgency is in its last throes. Don't you believe Cheney??

7:16 PM EDT  

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