Thursday, June 16, 2005


Yesterday I decided not to blog anything, and concern myself with certain other matters, like yard work and sleep.

So I took care of my yard (the recent rains had made it get sort of high), and slept six hours. After some more work, I settled down and watched CSPAN's coverage of the Senate Judiciary Committee's hearings into the status of detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

I found it rather amusing in some spots. Air Force Brigadier General Hemingway, the top legal adviser for the 'military commissions' that try these detainees, was unable to tell Sen. Leahy the exact number of detainees. Rather surprising.

Even more suprising was Sen. Leahy's remark that NO ONE knew the exact number, not even Rumsfeld. All in all, a bad day for General Hemingway, whose chances of retiring with his second star looking pretty dim right now.

I just woke up (again), and will be saying a few things about the Downing Street Memo and our unjust war in Iraq. Later, though; I have things to do.


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