Thursday, August 18, 2005

March of the Stupid

CNN (yes, the Chicken Noodle Network, filling minds with schmaltz since 1980) has repeated some news that was first reported in the Washington Post last week (and in this blog, thank you) that the Transportation 'Security' Administration is considering relaxing their restrictions against taking Pointy Things aboard an aircraft.

Thank goodness. I was SO looking forward to flying up somewhere with my favorite icepick. All sarcasm aside, I don't recall hearing that we've won the Global Struggle War on Violent Terrorism Extremism Et Cetera. Are they wanting another plane to be turned into a flying bomb?


A local woman, trying to evade arrest, threw herself from a second-story window. Like that helped - she's now in the hospital, and was arrested anyway.


A civilian jail worker was arrested here yesterday for introducing contraband (tobacco) into the jail. He joins the ranks of the dozen or so other people over the past 19 years who have demonstrated that anyone can be Stupid.


Governor Taft (R-OH) will, according to a prosecutor, be arraigned on four misdemeanor counts of government ethics violations. A recent picture of him shows him wearing a cowboy hat at the Ohio State Fair.

Excuse me? What possible connection does OHIO have with an obsolete cultural icon? Taft isn't just Stupid, he's Dumb too. Not quite in the Too Dumb to Live category, but definitely Too Dumb to Be Allowed to Remain in Office.


As Israel begins evacuating and dismantling Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian groups have started arguing among themselves who should take credit for forcing the Israelis out. Duh, people! Insh'allah, you now have the Gaza Strip - don't you think you should start building, instead of celebrating? I swear though, that place just simply screams for a Home Depot or Lowe's.


I could go on and on about the growing ranks of the Stupid, but it would depress me.


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