Thursday, August 10, 2006

"Mass Murder on an Unimaginable Scale."

That's a quote, by the way, from a member of the British Home Office regarding the terrorist plot uncovered in Britain today. Leaving aside my contention that the Bush Crime Family isn't averse to fomenting a terror alert just to keep us jerking around on strings until the election in November, I have a bit of trouble with the phrase used above.

Let's go to the numbers, shall we?

10 planes x about 150 people each = 1,500
September 11, 2001 (best guess) = 2,700
Hiroshima, 6 August 1945 = 86,000

I suppose "unimaginable" is a matter of perspective.


Blogger pissed off patricia said...

That's the trouble with all this dramatic language, we don't know how much is political drama and how much is solid truth. When you have a serious fact there's no need for dramatic language and you don't use it, because you aren't thinking about how it will play to the listener.

We have lost 2600 members of our military in Iraq. That's a serious fact.

8:59 AM EDT  

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