Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Right-Wing Conspiracy

Watching Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) 'concede' his loss in the primary election to Ned Lamont was a little like watching a crack whore - you feel soiled just watching her.

Which got me to thinking about a little scheme cooked up in the head of the Exalted Gonzo Journalist Dr. Hunter S. Thompson in his book Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail 1972. In the book, Thompson suggested that President Nixon had a plan, and it went like this:
1. Sell out the Republican Party to the Goldwater wing.
2. Use that support to get reelected.
3. Set up an Agnew / Ted Kennedy race in 1976.
4. In short, giving the Democrats the White House in 76, in exchange for another Republican administration in 72.

Perfectly logical (although Thompson admitted it was probably pure bullshit), but like I say it got me to thinking about Lieberman. It goes something like this:
1. Lieberman runs as independent against Lamont (not against the GOP candidate).
2. The race splits the Democrats, resulting in a Senate win for the GOP.
3. Lieberman gets rewarded by being appointed Secretary of Defense.

Plausible? Your thoughts, please.


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