Monday, September 15, 2008

Ramah (pictured Left), 1995?-2008

The demonic-looking Seal Point Siamese hybrid on the left of the picture above is Ramah, one of my mother's cats. He was named for the royal title of the Kings of Thailand.

Ramah died today.

He was about thirteen years old, and had just gotten over a urinary tract infection. Over the course of the past two weeks he had started losing weight, had stopped eating and largely stopped drinking, and by the weekend had started having trouble breathing.

So I took him to the veterinarian today, and after he was weighed he was put on oxygen to make him comfortable.

The diagnosis: congestive heart failure, which is a nasty way to go.

My mother gave the order to let him go. The veterinarian was very kind and comforting, a credit to her profession.

Ramah had some good qualities; he would always tell my mother when it was time to go to bed and wake her up in the mornings (when she wanted to get up or not).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walt: I'm so sorry for your mother's loss. Pets become such a part of our lives and they love us like no other. Just last night, I thought I heard my chocolate lab walking across the foyer floor. She died on Christmas Eve last year of congestive heart failure. It was a terrible thing to witness. You have my sympathy.

12:05 PM EDT  
Blogger The Littlest Gator said...

sorry to hear about the loss. he looks like he was a wonderful cat!

3:26 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walt,it's your old flame. The one that went to Texas. Sorry about Ramah, he was a good cat. And he was funny as hell. Talk about being your mothers cat, well Ramah was it. Was constantly by her side. Even when she watched tv. I remember the way he would go out and tell her it was time to go to bed. So funny. Tell your mom I'm sorry and I love you both.

9:03 PM EDT  

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