Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sex in America, Or Why Can't Johnny F**k?

This showed up on CNN's website today, and I must say I was impressed - not with the law enforcement effort that broke the case, but with the scope of the enterprise. Imagine it! 240 prostitutes, raking in millions of dollars for their bosses. Got to love that business model.

Who says sex can't sell?

Nobody in America, that's who. Very few populations on Earth have such a sharp disconnect when dealing with the human body and its reproductive function. Seriously, if intercourse wasn't pleasurable, why would we do it?

But we must recall that among the first non-natives to fetch up on American shores were Puritans, who had an abhorrence of the body. That attitude has been passed down over the years - that sex is dirty, that the naked body is something to be avoided. Violence, on the other hand, is perfectly acceptable.

This kind of attitude leads to all sorts of nasty behavior in the good old US of A - pedophilia, incest, spouse and other forms of domestic abuse, rape - the list is long and not at all distinguished.

Europeans have a better attitude, and I must say that I consider the attitude superior. There, violence is abhorred, while nudity and sex are considered healthy. People are more tolerant (and we must not dismiss studies that have shown secular nations are generally happier and better-adjusted than those intoxicated by god figures).


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