Monday, April 24, 2006

A Royal Example

I don't often write about the British Royal Family (I'm American), but a recent story just caught my fancy.

The third in the line of succession for the British Throne, Prince Henry, has recently completed his officer training at Sandhurst and is now a second lieutenant in the Royal Army, in command of a light armored reconnaissance unit. He wants to go with "his men" to Afghanistan when the regiment deploys. Needless to say this has caused a stir in the Ministry of Defence.

The MoD want Prince Harry to stay in England, or at least stay behind the lines when the unit goes into the field. To his everlasting credit, the Prince has said that if he does not serve alongside his men, he will resign his commission and turn in his uniform.

Very few of the rich and powerful hoohahs who run this Republic have any children serving in either Iraq or Afghanistan. They are content to let the middle and lower class youth of this country fight and die while they get richer, party hearty and try to screw brave men and women out of their military and veteran benefits.

I say that we shouldn't let the British set the example for noblesse oblige. Let's impress the Bush twins (Jenna and Babs) into the Army and ship them off to Baghdad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's impress the Bush twins (Jenna and Babs) into the Army and ship them off to Baghdad.

I'm game!

- oddjob

4:03 PM EDT  

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