Vacation Pictures - Old Boats, New Boats, Toy Boats, U-Boats
We'll start with this one, a catamaran passenger ferry from Friedrichshafen. Berthed a short distance away was the car ferry Graf Zeppelin, which docks right out in front of the museum there.
On the left, the WW1 armored cruiser Bismarck; on the right, a larger descendant. These are examples of the ship and boat models in the German Museum. I built model ships and planes as a child, and these models made me start drooling like one of Pavlov's puppies when the bell started ringing.
The latest fashion from Paris? Maybe, but no; this is a life preserver from the mid-1800s. To the left is the launch tube for a rocket that could shoot a lifeline out to shipwrecked sailors.
This sporty little number is a motorboat from the late 1800s. It's powered by a one-cylinder gasoline engine. I took detail pictures of the engine but they're not too good.
A steam-powered launch, capable of carrying about four people. Behind it is the steel hull of the tugboat Renzo that plied the harbor of Bremerhaven in the early 1900s.